Labels:daily | earth | fence | newspaper | sea | silver screen | sky OCR: Macroadenomas, nowever 1081 81S0 E osis cystic heterogeneous in appearance due to nec reas show degeneration or haemorrhage Necrotic umour on 8.S 8 lower signal than the surrounding to cystic TA -weigh ited inages Areas that progress milar to degeneration show as a sicna which is high on CSF (i.e low on T1 -weigh ted images ein these T2-weighted images) Acute haemorrha on tumours is best seen a.s high density aret non -con trast CT studies TAT hilst sub- -acut R studies haemorrhage is easier to identify using images. appearing a.s high signal on TT weight ec irnages Macroadenoma appearance on T2-weigl intensity varies (Fig 24 10 region ofhigk sign iough rare, would suggest necrosis Calcifica tion may also be seen and is usuall sicnal eystic weichted DrOEY deceneration whicl whilst ofhich